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DOWNLOADABLE Pioneer School Notebook "Fully Accomplish Your Ministry" with guided prompts
Notebook for Pioneer School featuring 2 Timothy 4:5 "Fully Accomplish Your Ministry."
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Digital Pioneer School Notes: A Interactive and Printable JW Notebook for Pioneer school packed full of Guided Prompts for Note taking! - "Fully Accomplish Your Ministry" (2 Timothy 4:5)

Just like our hard copy notebooks, the downloadable versions are full of features to help your experience in the pioneer service school organized and easy. Do you know someone headed for pioneer service school this year? This notebook is designed to help you organize your notes. If you have a dozen notebooks on your shelf, it can be difficult to track down that one notebook from 3 months ago where you wrote down those points you wanted to remember. Don't let that happen to your notes from Pioneer School. Have them in your phone or tablet and access them at anytime.

Note Sections To Keep You Organized During Pioneer School

unit note page

These notebooks are designed to make note-taking easier. There are pages for each unit's notes, and sections to organize your thoughts on each lesson. Sections include:

  • Notes: put your unit notes here;
  • Things to Remember: make special note of things you what to look back on;
  • Ministry Tips: mark down tips you want to use in the ministry;
  • Goals: create goals based on the unit material
  • Homework: write down any further research you want to do.
new friends page

At the end of each day the review pages are completely open to let you summarize the main points, or things you want to especially remember.

At the end of the notebook find two additional sections:

  • New Friends: write down the contact details of all the new friends you met at school;
  • Autographs and Farewell Messages: like a "yearbook" style book signing.
  • 86 pages total not including the covers.
  • Features 2 Timothy 4:5 "Fully accomplish your ministry" on the cover
  • Two pages are entirely dedicated to each unit of the school.
  • 86 pages total not including the covers