Are you a fridge magnet collector? Remember the 2025 yeartext with one of these gorgeous magnets
Iman con el tema de la asamblea de 2024: "Adoracion Pura". Bonita decoración para tu refri y fantasticos como regalos tambien.
Boton con alfiler con el tema de la Asamblea de 2025: "Adoracion Pura"
Are you a fridge magnet collector? Remember the 2023 yeartext with one of these gorgeous magnets
Magnet featuring the 2023 convention theme: "Exercise Patience". Beautiful decoration for your refrigerator and great gifts too.
Magnet featuring the 2025 convention theme: "Pure Worship". Beautiful decoration for your refrigerator and great gifts too.
Iman con el tema de la asamblea del 2025: "Adoracion Pura". Hermosa decoración para su refri o tambien como bellos regalos.
Magnets for kids featuring the 2024/2025 circuit assembly themes. Beautiful decorations for your refrigerator and great gifts too.
Get a complete set of 42 encouraging magnets! Each magnet has an encouraging phrase.
This cheerful JW bear magnet, featuring “Jehovah love you beary much!”, encourages children with a daily reminder of faith. Its cute scarfed bear design inspires confidence, while remaining meaningful and appealing to the whole family.
Are you a fridge magnet collector? Remember the 2024 yeartext with one of these gorgeous magnets
Magnet featuring the 2023/2024 circuit assembly themes: "Eagerly Wait for Jehovah" and "Enter Into God's Rest!"
Iman en ESPANOL con los temas de la asamblea del circuito 2023/2024: "Esperemos a Jehova con anhelo" y "Entremos en el descanso de Dios"
Magnet featuring the 2024/2025 circuit assembly themes: "Not Ashamed of the Good News" and "Behave in a Manner Worthy of the Good News"
Magnets featuring Margaret Keane's paintings. Great for giving to a friend, or get your personal favorite to adorn your home.
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Your goals in life don't have an expiration date. Lake a deep breath and try again."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "A prayer is where an amazing exchange happens. You hand over your worries and Jehovah hands over His peace..."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Trust in Jehovah. We can only see a little bit down the road but Jehovah can see around every curve..."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Courage isn't always a lion's roar. It's also the silence of ants working patiently, persistently and never giving up..."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Faith does not mean trusting Jehovah to stop the storm, but trusting him to strengthen us as we walk through the storm..."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Jehovah not only sees where you are, He sees where you can be..."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Friends make the good times better and the hard times easier."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "If Jehovah made a promise, He will stand by it..."
Focus on the positive! This magnet features Isaiah 33:24: "No resident will say: 'I am sick."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge, featuring: "Let Jehovah renew your strength." - Isaiah 40:31
This fun magnet features Isaiah 6:8: "Here I am! Send me!" Perfect for a friend who recently reached a goal!
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Jehovah can restore what is broken and change it to something amazing."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Jehovah cares about everything that concerns you, so feel free to talk to him about anything."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Jehovah has drawn you towards him; because he saw something special in your heart... that the world did not see."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Jehovah's help is only a prayer away."
magnet featuring: "Man's way does not belong to him. It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step." - Jeremiah 10:23
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Jehovah's love is like an ocean. You can see its beginning, but not its end."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Whatever happens... Jehovah will never let go of your hand... And that is a promise."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "My day is better when I talk to Jehovah first..."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "My relationship with Jehovah is my number one focus. I know that if I take care of that, He will take care of everything else."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "The new world is just around the corner."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "You need not be afraid of where you are going when you know Jehovah is going with you."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "When the time is right Jehovah will make it happen."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge or send it to a friend. Features Psalm 94:19: "When anxieties overwhelmed me you comforted and soothed me..."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Talk with Jehovah, no breath is lost. Walk with Jehovah, no strength is lost. Wait with Jehovah, no time is lost. Trust in Jehovah, you will never be lost."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "The closer you walk with Jehovah, the less room for anything to come between."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "The greatest battles are won when you pray."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "The only one who can satisfy the human heart is the one who made it."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Though the world is uncertain and shaky, I can rest in the arms of a completely unshakeable God."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "Turn your greatest worries into your deepest prayers"
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "When you are tempted to lose patience with someone, consider how long Jehovah has been patient with you."
Post this encouraging magnet to your fridge to always remember: "You may be up against a giant today, But don't focus on how big your giant is; Focus on how big your God is."
This nature-themed magnet is a beautiful reminder that "love never fails." Post it to your fridge or send it to a friend.
This beautiful magnet features the reminder at Proverbs 4:23, to "safeguard your heart, for out of it are the sources of life."
This beautiful paradise magnet makes a great gift! Get a whole bunch to share with friends or save one for your fridge.
For those days that we need to re-focus, this magnet provides the reminder to "focus on Jehovah, not your problems. Listen to Jehovah, not your insecurities. Rely on Jehovah, not your own strength."
For those times that we could use a little encouragement, this magnet features Psalm 55:22: "He will sustain you." Perfect to send to a friend in need of encouragement!
A floral magnet featuring the phrase: "Jehovah loves you more in a moment than anyone could in a lifetime."
Beautifully decorated with birds and flowers, this magnet features the phrase: "make the truth your own."
Based on the account at 1 Samuel 16:7, this magnet features and encouraging reminder that "Jehovah measures our worth by what is in our heart."
Featuring a flock of sheep and the text: "If you're going to follow the crowd, make sure it's the great crowd."
A magnet with a beautiful scriptural reminder to "throw your burden on Jehovah and he will sustian you." - Psalm 55:22
This magnet features Proverbs 18:10 "the name of Jehovah is a strong tower..."
This floral magnet is a beautiful way to remind yourself that "the only one who can truly satisfy the human heart is the one who made it."
"Advertise advertise advertise...". With those words take a step back in time. Let this magnet serve as a kind reminder and encouragement. This black and white magnet makes a great gift for any who have expanded their ministry.
Place one on your fridge for a daily reminder that "anytime, anywhere" you can pray, or send one to a friend who loves this saying.
These cute little magnets are sure to bring a smile to your face! Place one on your fridge for a daily reminder, or send one to a friend as a cheery little gift.
This 'Digging For Spiritual Gems' Magnet is certain to bring a smile to your face. Send this fun magnet to a friend, or keep it for your own fridge.
Featuring Matthew 24:14 - "And this good news will be preached in all the inhabited Earth...". Place one on your fridge for a daily reminder, or send one to a friend as a cheery little gift.
Let this serve as a beautiful reminder with the phrase: "As for me and my household we will serve Jehovah." This magnet makes a nice gift or add it to your collection of fridge magnets.
This adorable little magnet will surely lead to smiles! With fun animal lettering and the phrase: "Just See Yourself"
Get buzzing with this fun bee-utiful magnet! They make great gifts that are sure to put a smile on your friends' faces.
"Fully accomplish your ministry". This magnet is perfect for gifting to pioneers or to keep yourself motivated. Stick one to your fridge for a daily reminder.
Features Jeremiah 31:3: "I have loved you with an everlasting love." This magnet is a perfect gift designed to encourage.
Place this magnet on your fridge to remember that our beautiful hope for the future is "just around the corner."
This beautiful magnet is a great addition to your fridge. It features a beautiful paradise scene. Get a bunch and gift some to friends!
Features the phrase: "Jehovah my father, my god, and friend." These magnets are great for gifts!
These magnets make beautiful encouraging gifts. Features Revelation 21:5: "Look! I am making all things new."
These magnets make fun gifts. designed to look like a caution sign, this magnet reminds us to "stay close to Jehovah."
"Time doesn't heal all wounds, Jehovah does." Use this encouraging magnet as a reminder to turn to Jehovah in times of need.
Featuring a Ukulele and a tasty pineapple, this cheery magnet reminds us of Psalm 34:8: "Taste and see that Jehovah is good."
As a gentle reminder that we are not alone, this calming magnet features the phrase: "When we've done all we can, Jehovah does all we can't."
Magnets are not just for holding papers onto your fridge. They can bring a smile to your face or serve as a beautiful reminder. Pick out a fun magnet or get a Yeartext Magnet to remind yourself of these scriptural thoughts all year long.